Normal spectral emissivity of elements of the XI group of the periodic system
Kosenkov D. V.1, Sagadeev V. V.1
1Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia

An experimental study of the normal spectral emissivity ελ n of chemically pure copper, gold and silver in the solid polished and liquid phases of the state, near the melting point of the metal, was carried out. The measurement of ελ n was carried out using fixed passbands of narrowband filters. The dependence of the metal ελ n on the wavelength in the range of the radiation spectrum of 0.26-4.2 μm microns is obtained. A comparative analysis with the literary data of other authors is carried out. The results of the calculation of ελ n in the claimed experimental wave range according to the classical electromagnetic theory are presented Keywords: normal spectral emissivity, wavelength, solid polished phase, liquid phase, melting point region, copper, gold, silver.
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